About us...

Get to know our story. Learn about the Implicit Career Search (ICS) Method. Discover the research that proves its effectiveness. Understand if you can benefit from this approach.

Steve's Story

Steve is the Creator of The Implicit Career Search and Founding Partner at The Aha Moment Academy.

Fascinated by the question...

“How am I going to decide what to do for work?” since he was a child, Steve started his career as social worker. 

Not fully satisfied with the traditional approaches...

Steve embarked on a journey to help people answer that question in a more effective way, beyond the vocational assessments.
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After a 7-year period of research and development 

with the help of leading experts including Stephen Covey, Will Schultz and Ken Wilber, Steve created the Implicit Career Search (ICS) Method.

Since then ICS...

has been studied by independent organisations and delivered in  to individuals, businesses and governments.

Silviu's Story

Silviu is the co-founder and CEO of the Aha! Moment Academy.

After a successful start in his career…

At 19 he was working in 3 part-time jobs and 2 volunteering schemes while studying, and won the Student-Employee-of-the-year in the UK. Soon after he became unfulfilled at work. 

By 23 he...

Had changed industries 3 times, built expertise around landing hard-to-get jobs, and started side-business helping millennials land their dream jobs.
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At 25 he collaborated with Steve Miller:

And co-founded The Aha! Moment Academy (after seeing how clients needed a holistic solution to their career problems, not just help with landing the jobs). 

By 29 Silviu:

Spent more than 1,000+ hours facilitating hundreds of professionals and government agencies, developed his FORMAL method and got certified as a Integra Protocol Trainer.

"Silviu Cojocaru has been chosen as a top Transition Coach by the coachfoundation.com.

We made an already successful career planning program fail-proof

In 2017 they met and...

 Recognised how each of them were holding the other half of a life-changing program. They both had not only complementary skills and experience but complementary programs and approaches so they decided to collaborate. 

Through this collaboration

They moved Steve’s 5-day face-to-face ICS workshop online and added Silviu’s FORMAL© job search method.

In this collaboration...

Silviu brings the latest Job Search Strategies plus his energy and passion.

Steve brings a unique, effective and tested career development approach along with a huge amount of experience and wisdom gained over 30+ years.

About You

Who is this for? 

Everyone needs a clear, purposeful and strategic plan for their career. 

The profile of our clients isn’t based on their: 
● role
● industry
● seniority/experience
● employment status
● current or future career aspirations

You're not expected to change careers, stay in the same career or start your own business. You create a plan that will offer your the growth, security and success you desire.

As a result of going through the ICS process  participants have: 
● stayed in the same careers
● changed career
● have started their own businesses

All participants created reasonable, practical and realistic plans to contribute to this world with the skills they had or wanted to build.

To gain the most out of this process, we encourage participants to go through the process when the time is right:

● if you need a job tomorrow or can't pay your bills...
● if have recently gone through a traumatic event... 
● if you can't prioritise the process (on average participants require 2-4 hrs/week)... 

...then during the enrollment call we may recommend postponing the start of the process until you gain some more emotional and financial stability.

Having said that, many of our clients work in parallel with a therapist, or change jobs, houses, countries, or get married – while going through the process. 
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